The Benefits of Kerry Kefir

The Benefits of Kerry Kefir

The Potential Benefits of Kefir 1. Made with Kefir Grains The word ‘grains’ does not refer to grains as we know them. Kefir ‘grains’ are a symbiotic culture of live bacteria and yeast, living in harmony (symbiosis) together. They look like little florets of...
Traditional vs Commercial Kefir

Traditional vs Commercial Kefir

Traditional vs Commercial Kefir Traditional kefir is kefir made using live kefir grains, as it was made all those 1000’s of years ago in the Caucasus mountains. (See “what are kefir grains”) . Commercial manufacturing of kefir on a large scale began in Russia, in the...
What are Kefir Grains?

What are Kefir Grains?

What are Kefir Grains? The word ‘grains’ does not refer to grains as we know them. Kefir ‘grains’ are a symbiotic culture of live bacteria and yeast, living in harmony (symbiosis) together. They look like little florets of cauliflower!  In order to survive, these...
What is Kefir?

What is Kefir?

What is Kefir? Kefir is a fermented milk beverage made from living kefir grains which are placed in milk (usually cow, goat, sheep or buffalo milk) and allowed to ferment the milk usually over 24 hours. Kefir is packed full of beneficial bacteria and yeast to help...

New to Kerry Kefir? Read this before opening your bottle and accidentally experiencing the 'Champagne of Dairy' effect!